
On May 25, 2018, RODO - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data - came into force in Poland. On 25. December 2014, the Law of May 30, 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827) came into force. Accordingly, we have adjusted the regulations of our store to the new European and national legal requirements and which we present below. The previously effective version of the regulations is available by clicking here store regulations effective from 1.05.2018r.

§ 1 Introduction

These Regulations set forth the general terms and conditions for making purchases in Moora's Online Store located at the electronic address

The legal basis for these Regulations are, in particular:

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data.

The Act of April 23, 1964, Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93),

Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926),

Act of July 18, 2002 on providing services by electronic means (Dz.U. of 2002, No. 144, item 104),

Act of July 27, 2002 on special conditions of consumer sales and amendment to the Civil Code (Dz.U. of 2002, No. 141, item 1176),

Act of March 2, 2000 on the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by dangerous products (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 22, item 271, as amended).


§ 2 Definitions

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following definitions:

Seller - Rafał Wojciechowski conducting business activity under the name of JASPIS Rafał Wojciechowski with registered office in Leszno (64 - 100), 2 Narutowicza Street, having tax identification number NIP: 697-000-08-54, REGON: 411437581, owner and administrator of the Online Store conducting retail sales of Goods, located at the electronic address

Moora - online store located at the electronic address, operated and owned by the Seller.

Orderer - a natural person, legal rights or organizational unit with legal capacity, making purchases in Moora.

Consumer - a natural person making purchases in Moora for the purpose not related to his/her business or professional activity.

Goods - movable items offered by Moora; all Goods offered by Moora are brand new and free from legal defects.

Order - conclusion of a sales contract without the simultaneous presence of the Parties by means of the Shopping Cart, preceded by the selection of the parameters of the Goods, the form of payment and delivery.

Shopping Cart - an electronic form through which the Orderer places an Order.

Registration - the action of submitting data, including personal data in order to establish an Account.

Personal data - the Orderer's data of a personal nature processed for the purpose of carrying out the Order placed. Personal data is considered to be any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person

Account - an Account created after Registration, which allows, among other things, to purchase Goods.

User - a natural person (including a Consumer), legal entity or an organizational unit with legal capacity having an Account in Moora.

Price - the price of the Goods placed in the description of the Goods, expressed in Polish zloty and including VAT; the price does not include delivery costs.

Delivery costs - the costs of delivering the Order, which shall be borne by the Ordering Party.

Payment - payment of the amount due for the Order, including the Price and Delivery Costs, in the manner specified by the Ordering Party when placing the Order.


§ 3 General Conditions

Placement of Orders in Moora is carried out using an ICT system.

In order to use Moora, it is necessary to have a device with access to the Internet and an Internet browser.

Prior to registration, the User is required to read and accept the Terms and Conditions and the Appendices which are an integral part of the Terms and Conditions.

By placing an Order, the Ordering Party accepts the provisions of the Regulations and all its Attachments, which are its integral part.

The User declares that through Registration he/she consents to the processing of his/her Personal Data to the extent necessary for the use of Moora.

The Orderer declares that by placing an Order he/she consents to the processing of his/her Personal Data to the extent necessary for the execution of the Order.

The content of the Moora pages is the property of the Seller and is protected by law.

Photos of Goods on the pages of Moora are examples and are for display purposes only.

§ 4 Account

In order to create an Account you must complete the Registration.

User Registration is free of charge.

Making Registration is done by filling in the form located at the electronic address

The registration form contains fields, the completion of which is mandatory in order to create an individual Account through which the Orderer may place Orders.

The User is obliged to provide true personal data.

After registration, the User receives information to the e-mail address confirming the Registration and containing the User's login and password.

Having an Account allows the User, in particular:

placing Orders,

tracking the status of courier shipments, monitoring the status of placed Orders and purchase history,

Login and password are of confidential nature.

It is forbidden to share one's Account with third parties, unless the Account holder is a company that shares the created Account within the organizational structure of its enterprise.


§ 5 Placing an order

Making purchases in Moora is done through an Account or by placing a one-time Order without Registration.

Placing an Order is done using the Shopping Cart.

The Price appearing in the description of the Goods at the time of placing the Order is binding for the Orderer and the Seller.

Before placing an Order, the Ordering Party selects the parameters of the Goods, such as, among others, quantity, choice of shipping method and form of payment.

To place an Order, the Ordering Party is also required to provide an e-mail address, delivery address and telephone number.

Providing the Personal Data indicated in paragraph 4 above is voluntary, but necessary for the execution of the Order.

By clicking the "Place Order" icon, the Ordering Party accepts the terms of sale, characteristics and price of the Goods and agrees to pay the Price and Delivery Costs.

Once the Order is placed, the Ordering Party receives an e-mail confirming the Order.

As soon as the Order confirmation referred to in paragraph 8 above is received, a contract of sale is concluded between the Orderer and the Seller.

If the Order is placed by a Consumer, the provisions of the Act of March 2, 2000 on the protection of the rights of certain consumers and liability for dangerous products apply, according to which the Consumer is entitled to withdraw from the contract of sale of Goods purchased in Moora within 10 (ten) days from the date of execution of the Order, without giving reasons.

Goods returned according to the procedure specified in paragraph 11 above should be duly protected for transportation, must not bear traces of use, damage and should be returned with complete equipment and accessories and documentation issued at its sale. Shipping costs shall be borne by the Purchaser.

The Seller shall have the right to change Moor's assortment, its Prices and Delivery Costs, provided that the changes in question shall not affect the Order placed by the Orderer.

The Customer making a purchase in the store agrees to have his/her e - mail address forwarded to Grupa Allegro seated in Wrocław and to processing of his/her personal data by the Online Store Moora and Grupa Allegro - in order to complete a survey with an opinion on the transaction made in the Online Store Moora and to confirm coverage of the transaction by the Buyer Protection Program (in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Act on Personal Data Protection dated 29.08.1997).


§ 6 Payments

Making a Payment is done before the execution of the Order or upon receipt of the Order.

The Seller accepts the following payment methods:

Payment via Transfer24

At the request of the Ordering Party, the Seller shall issue VAT invoices.


§ 7 Delivery

Delivery of Goods takes place on the territory of the Republic of Poland, through a courier company.

Moora conducts only mail order sales. Personal collection at the Seller's premises is not possible.

When receiving the Goods, the Ordering Party is obliged to check whether the Goods do not have any mechanical damage caused during transport and to check whether the delivered Goods are in accordance with the description of the Order. The Ordering Party shall confirm the absence of objections to the condition of the shipment with his/her own signature.

In the event of damage, incompleteness or other defects of the Goods, the Ordering Party has the right to file a complaint in accordance with the procedure specified in these Regulations.

§ 8 Complaint procedure

If defects of the Goods are found, in particular mechanical damage to the Goods or non-compliance of the Goods with the Order, the Customer is entitled to file a complaint.

The Seller shall consider complaints which:

are submitted in writing by the Ordering Party to the address of the Seller's registered office,

contain the reason for filing a complaint, and possibly specify the scope of actions that the Ordering Party expects the Seller to perform,

are delivered to the Seller in original packaging, together with proof of purchase (fiscal receipt or VAT invoice),

are signed and contain current data of the Orderer.

The Seller also considers complaints submitted via e-mail, subject to the provision of data referred to in paragraph 2. The Seller confirms the submission of an electronic complaint by sending information with the assigned complaint number to the e-mail address of the Ordering Party.

The Seller shall consider the complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt. If it is necessary to obtain an expert's opinion or specialized expertise, the deadline is extended to 21 (fourteen twenty-one) days. Failure of the Seller to respond to a properly submitted complaint within the period specified above is equivalent to acceptance of the complaint.

If the Seller accepts a complaint regarding non-compliance of the Goods with the contract, the Seller shall, at the option of the Ordering Party - Consumer, repair the Goods free of charge or deliver a new non-defective copy of the Goods. In the event that repair or delivery of a new non-defective Goods is not possible, the Seller shall refund to the Ordering Party - Consumer the Price paid by him.

§ 8 Returns

(1) Purchased products the buyer has the right to return within 14 days of receipt of shipment.

The condition for allowing a return is to send back the goods clean, unused (except for trying on) together with the original box, proof of purchase and enclosed form for return or exchange.

(2) The shipping costs of the return shall be borne by the purchaser.

(3) It is not possible to send to the seller, COD or parcel post.

4.Personalized products, i.e. made to individual order, e.g. with engraving, are not returnable.

7.Protected and well-packed products together with the receipt and necessarily with the printed and completed return form.


3 Dekana St. / 1st floor

64-100 Leszno



§ 9 Seller's liability

The Seller does not take responsibility for disturbances in the functioning of Moor caused by reasons beyond its control, in particular, equipment failure or unauthorized interference of third parties.

The Seller shall not be liable for damages incurred by the Ordering Party caused by his use of an unsecured and unprotected device with which he connects to the Internet.


§ 10 Statements.

I hereby give my consent for processing by Rafał Wojciechowski conducting business activity under the name JASPIS Rafał Wojciechowski with its registered seat in Leszno (64 - 100), at Narutowicza 2 Street, registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity conducted by the Minister of Economy, holding tax identification number NIP: 697 000 08 54, the owner and administrator of the Internet Shop conducting retail sales of Goods, located at the electronic address (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) my following personal data: name, address, telephone number and email address. This data has been collected by the Administrator with my consent and will be processed in order to provide the Administrator with the ability to contact me for the purpose of completing purchases made by me using the Administrator's website.

At the same time, I acknowledge that:

The administrator of my personal data is Rafał Wojciechowski conducting business activity under the name JASPIS Rafał Wojciechowski with its registered seat in Leszno (64 - 100), 2 Narutowicza Street, registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity conducted by the Minister of Economy, having tax identification number NIP: 697 000 08 54, the owner and administrator of the Internet Store conducting retail sales of Goods, located at the electronic address

The recipients of my personal data may be the Administrator's business partners.

The Administrator will keep my personal data for the duration of its business activities, which is currently impossible to determine.

I have the right to request from the Administrator access to my personal data, their rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, to object to processing ( in the cases specified in the regulations) , as well as the right to data portability, to withdraw at any time consent to data processing by the Administrator and to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority .

The provision of my personal data is voluntary, and if I fail to provide it , the Administrator will not be able to process my order or send me marketing information with my prior consent.

The Administrator may perform profiling of my personal data in order to qualify me for the products it offers or other activities ( profiling will concern my shopping preferences)

§ 11 Final provisions

These Terms and Conditions are available at the electronic address

The Seller reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions shall come into force within 14 days from publication. For the avoidance of doubt, changes to the Terms and Conditions do not affect Orders placed before the effective date of the changes. In the case of non-acceptance of changes in the Regulations, the User having an Account is entitled to terminate the agreement for electronic provision of services (creating an Account) by sending an appropriate statement to the address of the Seller.

Any disputes arising from the implementation of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the parties will first try to resolve by agreement. In the absence thereof, disputes shall be subject to resolution by a common court of competent jurisdiction according to the provisions of the Act of November 17, 1964 Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 43, item 296, as amended).

Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Regulations.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets forth the ways in which the personal data of Orderers using the online store located at the electronic address, hereinafter referred to as "Moora", will be protected.

If you do not accept this Privacy Policy, you will not be able to use Moora, including placing Orders.

The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions.

The administrator of the personal data of the Orderers in Moora is Rafał Wojciechowski conducting business activity under the name JASPIS Rafał Wojciechowski with its registered seat in Leszno (64 - 100), at Narutowicza Street 2, having tax identification number NIP: 697-000-08-54, REGON: 411437581, the owner of the online store Moora, performing through it the sale of Goods without the simultaneous presence of the parties by means of telecommunication network, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller".


Scope of data collection

The Seller collects data of persons using Moora, in particular those placing Orders in the manner specified in the Regulations or those subscribed to the newsletter.

In order to place an Order, the Orderer should provide data to ensure the possibility of its implementation and to enable contact with the Orderer, in particular: name and surname, e-mail address, delivery address as well as telephone number.


Purpose of data collection

The Orderer has the ability to decide to what extent his personal data will be used. In particular, the Orderer can make a declaration of intent withdrawing consent to receive commercial information or newsletters.

The Ordering Party has the right to supplement, update, correct personal data, temporarily or permanently suspend its processing or delete it, if it is incomplete, outdated, untrue or has been collected in violation of the law, or is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, and the right to object, in the cases listed in Article 23 (1) pt. 5 of the Personal Data Protection Act, when the Seller intends to process the Ordering Party's data for marketing purposes or to transfer them to another data controller.

Any changes to his/her personal data can be made by the Ordering Party by sending an appropriate declaration of intent to the Seller's address.

The Seller reserves the right to refuse to delete the Orderer's data if their retention is necessary for the realization of claims or if required by applicable law.

Provision of data is voluntary but necessary for the implementation of the sales contract concluded between the Orderer and the Seller.


Right of access

The Orderer has the ability to decide to what extent his personal data will be used. In particular, the Orderer may make a declaration of intent withdrawing consent to receive commercial information or newsletters.

The Ordering Party has the right to supplement, update, correct personal data, temporarily or permanently suspend their processing or delete them if they are incomplete, outdated, untrue or were collected in violation of the law, or are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, and the right to object to their transfer to another data controller.

Any changes in the scope of his personal data can be made by the Ordering Party by sending an appropriate declaration of intent to the address of the Seller.

The Seller reserves the right to refuse to delete the Orderer's data if their preservation is necessary for the realization of claims or if required by applicable law.

Provision of data is voluntary but necessary for the implementation of the sales contract concluded between the Orderer and the Seller.


Cookie mechanism

Moora uses small files, called cookies. They are saved by the server on the computer of the person visiting Moora's pages. A cookie usually contains the name of the domain from which it originated, its "validity period" and an individual random number identifying it. The information collected through cookies of this type helps customize Moora's website to the individual preferences and actual needs of Orderers. It also provides an opportunity to develop general statistics on the use of Moora's pages.

The cookie mechanism is completely safe for computers; in particular, viruses cannot enter users' computers through this route. Nevertheless, the Orderer can limit or disable access of cookies to his computer. If this option is exercised, navigation on Moora's sites will be possible in principle, although it may result in limited use of certain functions.

IP address

The seller reserves the right to collect IP addresses of visitors to Moor's website, which may be helpful in diagnosing technical problems with the server, creating statistical analysis (e.g. determining from which regions we record the most visits). In addition, they may be useful in administering and improving Wojciechowska Collection.


Cookies of other entities

The seller reserves the possibility of using third parties to compile statistics on the use of Moor. We assure you that in such a case no data identifying the Orderers will be transferred to such entities.

Third-party cookies may be used in advertisements posted on Moora's websites, with the purpose of enabling analysis of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

This Privacy Policy does not regulate the use of the cookie mechanism by third parties.


Access to third-party data

Only authorized employees or associates of the Seller, as well as authorized Moora handlers, who have been granted appropriate powers of attorney, have direct access to personal data collected by the Seller.

Orderers' personal data may be made available to entities authorized to receive them under applicable laws, in particular, to the competent judicial authorities.


Security and protection of personal data

The Seller declares that it processes the personal data of the Orderers in accordance with the RODO Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and national legislation, in addition, the Seller declares that it applies technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the processed data appropriate to the risks and categories of data covered by protection, and in particular it protects the personal data of the Orderers against unauthorized access, loss or damage.



This Privacy Policy does not cover any information regarding services or goods of entities other than the Seller, which are posted on Moora's websites commercially, as a guest, on a reciprocal basis or not for commercial effect.

The Seller shall not be liable for the actions or omissions of the Orderers resulting in the Seller processing the personal data provided by them in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy.

The Vendor reserves the right to make changes, withdraw or modify the functions or features of Moora, as well as to discontinue operations, transfer rights to Moora and perform any legal actions permitted by applicable laws. For the avoidance of doubt, the Ordering Party shall have no claims against the Seller on this account.


Contact Us

Please direct any additional questions related to the Privacy Policy to the Vendor's address.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy.

The date specified below is the effective date of the Privacy Policy in its latest version.

Date: 13.11.2011

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